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Pixelatr – SVG powered pixel drawing demo

by Connorhd on October 19th, 2010

I’ve wanted to experiment with some of the various graphics libraries in JavaScript for a while now, and deciding to attempt the ambitious task of a 2D clone of the recently popular game, MineCraft, seemed a worthy reason to play around with some of them.

After deciding (perhaps wrongly) that Raphaël would be a good library to do this in (or at least one I would like to try out). A quick weekend of implementing and reimplementing various ways of rendering scrolling around a vast 2D block world (in the end using a massive SVG element that is scrolled with blocks being added or removed as they come into and leave the visible area). The results are (not quite 2D MineCraft yet I know) a massive editable grid of “pixels” which are actually rounded rectangles of various colours.

As I wasn’t going to complete 2D MineCraft in a weekend I decided to add in websocket support using Socket.IO and make it a multi-user editable canvas that persists between sessions. Its quite fun to play with and there is a small demo below (works best in Chrome, Safari or IE9, should work slowly in Firefox), for a full page version click here, the last part of the URL defines the “channel” you are in if you wish to create a private page to share with friends.

If you are interested in the source just view the source of that page, I’ll be uploading the server and client to github shortly (once I’ve tided up some of the code a bit). If I have some time in the future I hope to take this further and make some kind of user editable platformer type game in the general theme of MineCraft. I would also like to try implementing this using the HTML5 canvas element (especially with the recent hardware rendering developments on Chrome and IE9).

From → Projects

  • aparadekto

    Hey, I can’t view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.

  • Connorhd

    This appears to be an issue with (the underlying communications library for Pixelatr) not supporting Opera properly, it looks like they’ve improved support with a newer version so I’ll try to get that updated soon.

  • Baananaa

    i can’t take any colour for pixelatr i don’t know why can you tell me how we take a colour plz